Tailwind CSS light blog card component with hover effect. Classic blog card, light theme, based on React, adaptable in Javascript Vanilla. Made by Fancy Tailwind.

Fancy Tailwind presents

Fancy Pagination 4


Your Component


In order to get this component working with all its effects/animations, please follow the instructions which can involve adding layer utilities or modifying your tailwind.config.js file.

Make sure to get that right before copying the code so you can enjoy this beautiful Fancy Tailwind component.

Icons from Heroicon.

For this component it is up to you to implement the solution of your choice to slide, hide and show the missing pages.

If you have no idea how to do that you can have a look to the Fancy Pagination 4b where I provide to you a simple solution among all existing that you can find to work with hidden pages.

Code Snippet

Main Component